Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Exercise for Healing Greif

  1. Create some uninterrupted time for yourself. Sit comfortably or lie down.
  2. Identify that you may be feeling a loss- sometimes the exact loss is unclear.
  3. Ask yourself, and recognize, what am I feeling now?
  4. Bring awareness to the center of your chest. Place your hand there and focus on your breathe. Notice the sensations, are they warm,cold, heavy, constricted, frozen? Is there a color? Does imagery arise?
  5. If you start to be distracted by outside thoughts, return your awareness to the sensations under your hand on your chest.
  6. Stay with the sensations long enough to notice that they are changing in motion. Your only task is to bring your full attention to these sensations.
  7. Rest and integrate. Remind yourself that letting go is painful for everyone and the feelings will pass. Remember that greiving is a natural process.
  8. Refocus. Bring your full attention back to your physical environment and continue your day with a sense of accomplishment.

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